All our dentures are produced using a high quality acrylic and the highest standard of prosthetic teeth to give your patients the most natural result possible. with a full range of NHS & Private options available.
Offering a more comfortable and bio-compatible option Flexible Dentures have become a popular alternative, Using an injection moulding system and using a variety of bases and shades
We are extremely proud of our attitude to the world of Implants, this fast growing field has no set parameters but we endevour to provide our surgeons with the most cost effective and jargon free solutions to any case, using all the leading manufacturers and updating our training to keep up with new innovations, We can work with you at any level of expertise to meet the requirements of your patients.
All our chromes are manufactured with CE marked alloys and we provide NHS & Private frames, using only the best Vitallium chrome we ensure reliability, consistant quality and comfort. and with a key of 20 Vita Shades and 3 pink gum shades for the best results.
When CAD-CAM entered the dental market it was seen as the nail in the coffin for Dental Laboratories that prediction was way off the mark as digital dentistry is the fastest growing aspect of the dental laboratory, Using CAD-CAM in all matters of cases from Milled work, Implant solutions and creating bespoke full-mouth restorations, like all technologies the future is showing great potential and our aim is to embrace this.
Working with the surgeon on larger cases is still the most exciting aspect for any Dental Technician, taking on a case from the start and working it through to a rewarding conclusion, this can include meeting your patients chair side, working on diagnostics, taking shades, manufacturing preperation guides, compiling lab/surgery information, offering advice and then manufacturing the work with the enhanced information.
We offer a full Denture Laboratory service and can offer all products that comes with that, however we also offer a full range of splints, soft & hard stents, whitening trays, ortho-retainers and a comprehensive range of Sportsguards
If your current marketing isn’t providing the right results for you, or if you are looking to expand your practice - we’d be happy to discuss how we can help you to reach your goals.
Whether you’re an established surgery looking to increase the effectiveness of your current marketing efforts, or you are building your brand from the ground up, we can offer support in branding, digital marketing, web-design, social media and promotional campaigns with our partners at Black Treacle Media.
© Qualident Dental Laboratory